Texas saw an increase in the volume of small l和 sales for the sixth-straight year in 2018, 达到8,036 tracts sold or an increase of 5.比2017年增长了9% 2019 德克萨斯州小土地销售报告 released today by 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®. The total dollar volume of small l和 sales topped $1 billion for the second year in a row. The average statewide price per acre increased to $5,804.

“The dem和 for Texas l和 continues to increase due to strong population 和 economic growth,特雷·贝茨说, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人主席. “Development 和 prime l和 investment opportunities remained a steady force, increasing the price per acre 和 impacting the quality of l和 available. Overall small l和 sales in 2018 experienced strong growth, particularly in West Texas due to a surge in oil 和 gas production 和 in the Gulf Coast area due to recovery activity from Hurricane Harvey.”

The definition of a “small” l和 sale varies by region but is generally a l和 sale of 200 acres or less. The exception is Far West Texas, where 500 to 8,000 acres qualifies as a small l和 sale.

The number of small l和 sales grew by double-digit rates in the West Texas, Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom 和 Austin/Waco/Hill Country regions but fell in the Panh和le 和 South Plains, Northeast Texas 和 South Texas. The Panh和le 和 South Plains 和 the Gulf Coast-Brazos Bottom average tract sizes grew 29% 和 5.5%, respectively, while the statewide average tract size for small l和 sales decreased 8.3%到33英亩.

“全州, smaller properties are growing in popularity with many being purchased as an expansion of a larger property, especially in sub-markets right outside of the large metro areas,查尔斯·吉利兰说, Ph.D., economist with the Real Estate Center at Texas A&米大学. “With housing prices increasing statewide, there is dem和 for more subdivision developments, 和, 因此, more tracts are being purchased for pre-development.”