这可能看起来很老套, but open houses are a proven way for agents to meet potential clients, 打破僵局, 赢得生意. 这是一个完美的环境,可以开始关于2021十大正规彩票app的谈话,而不会显得咄咄逼人或咄咄逼人.

一个精心调整的开放参观策略, along with plenty of help from REALTORS® Property Resource (RPR), 一个免费的NAR会员福利, 可以帮助你参与, 捕获, 留住线索.


Before you set a date, your clients have to declutter and deep clean. 你甚至可以布置一个家. Once the property is ready for guests, you need to nail down a date.

传统观念认为,周六和周日下午是举办开放日活动的最佳时机, but don’t be afraid to try a different approach. Think about your ideal buyers’ lives and what times and dates work best. For example, a happy hour open house on a Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m. might attract busy young professionals. Make sure to have beverages and snacks on hand; some agents even hire food trucks.


你可以通过数字和口口相传的方式来最大化开放日的流量. 确保你的开放的房子是在MLS列出,以及所有主要的2021十大正规彩票app门户网站. 在Nextdoor和社区Facebook群组上发布和分享开放日信息. 通过电子邮件和社交媒体与联系人和同事分享信息. If you really want to make an impression, create a video email message about your open house using BombBomb. It’s easy to use, you can try it for free, and it integrates with RPR.

然后 get out in the real world to pound the pavement and knock on doors. Personally invite all the neighbors in a 10 to 20 house radius. Send out postcard mailers that drop a few days before the event.

最后, use RPR to gain knowledge of 附近, 学校, 设施, and 生活质量 surrounding your listing. 一定要制作一份RPR物业宣传单,作为展示当天的讲义. 你可以很容易地创造一个标题, 上传照片和属性详细信息, 在这个客户友好的营销工具中包括你的专业头像和联系信息.


在社区交通繁忙的角落放置户外定向标志是明智的. 然后在家里的中心或人流量大的地方开店,当客人到来时,你要站好位置迎接他们. Have some bottled water in the fridge and put out candy or light snacks. Offering them to guests can be an ice breaker. 介绍你自己和酒店,并鼓励客人在你的数字平台上签到.

让访问者登录你的平板电脑是获得和管理潜在客户的关键. Open house products and apps provide a digital sign-in sheet. They are a great tool that allows you to record notes, such as when buyers don’t already have an agent.

You can also leverage social media while the event is going on. 问问你的卖家,他们是否愿意在你的开放日上做Facebook直播. Live events can create real-time buzz, 更好的是, 你可以重新利用并将录制的版本发布到你的Facebook页面上.


在你的开放日期间准备好RPR报告对你作为当地2021十大正规彩票app专家的定位有很长的路要走. Here are the most popular RPR reports used by REALTORS® at open houses.

市场活动报告 通过介绍最近的价格变化和活动,向客户介绍当地市场的产品, 等待, 出售, 过期的, 以及不良资产.

社区报告 共享有关人员的信息, 经济, 生活质量, and housing market and solidifies your niche as a local expert.

学校报告 Provides student populations, testing outcomes, reviews, and ratings. 比较一个地区或指定半径内的学校,并包括多达20个附近的列表.

迷你物业报告 提供足够的数据,让买家对物业有一个坚实的了解, 包括价格, 价值, 比较, 家里的事实, 税, 照片, 以及社区信息.

With these reports and the RPR Mobile app at your side, you’ll be able to answer any question thrown your way about the property, 附近, 和社区.


有两种方法可以提供RPR报告:您可以立即向客人发送包含PDF版本的文本或电子邮件, 或者你可以把报告打印出来. Instant digital reports will impress open house visitors, but don’t forget that hard copies may be preferable to some.

这里有一个伟大的策略,一个旧金山湾区的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®使用在她所有的开放日:妮可Nicolay展示一个报告的副本在一个高流量的区域. 然后, 当客人拿起它, 她说的话打破了僵局, “It’s great that you picked up that property report. 现在, 这是我仅有的一本了, but if you’ll give me your contact information, I’m happy to send you a personalized version.这种开场白是一种敏锐的潜在客户生成策略,可以帮助她在不过于强势的情况下与潜在客户建立联系.


跟进你在开放日那天捕获的所有线索是最后一步,可能也是最关键的一步. Personally contact guests that showed interest in the home. 您可以从您的数字登录日志和您在活动当天的经验中收集此类信息.

Once you’ve exceeded your client’s need for selling the property, it’s time to put those other contacts that you collected to good use. 将他们的登录信息输入到您的CRM应用程序或软件中,并在电子邮件滴注活动中开始这些新的线索.

滴注式电子邮件活动就是在设定的时间间隔内发送电子邮件, 比如一周一次或两次. 找一个适合你的, and these CRM platforms will do all the heavy lifting, making lead-nurturing less painful and more fruitful.


What will you send these prospects you met at the open house? 如果你做了Facebook直播活动, you can download the video and send it directly to them via email. You can also upload it online and embed it on your website.

你有没有见过一个孩子的父母,他们对当地学区的评分非常感兴趣? 给他们寄一份RPR学校报告. Or maybe a recently married couple who are avid hikers and eat out a lot? 给他们发一份RPR邻里报告.

把RPR报告打印出来,装在一个大信封里,连同手写的便条一起寄给他们,这样可以增加一点个人风格. 诸如此类的小细节, coupled with the wealth of data and information that the RPR reports deliver, will leave a good impression with potential clients.

了解REALTORS®物业资源, 一个免费的NAR会员福利, can help you 主人 a successful open house. 访问 博客.narrpr.com/video-learning/open-house 有关视频教程和创建本文中提到的报告的快速入门指南.


  • 51% of Texas homebuyers visit open houses during their home search.
  • 参观过开放参观日的德州购房者中,有89%认为开放参观日非常有用或有些用处.
  • 60%的德州卖家说,他们的经纪人利用开放日推销他们的房子.
  • 6% of Texas homebuyers found their agent when visiting an open house
  • 6% of Texas homesellers found their agent when visiting an open house.
  • 专门从事住宅2021十大正规彩票app的德州REALTORS®中有35%的人报告说,他们从开放日中获得了一些业务.

来源: 2018 Profile of Texas Homebuyers and Sellers; 2018年德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人简介