The 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 问题 Mobilization Program is designed to help local REALTOR® associations act on local issues that affect REALTORS® or private property owners. The program provides you with funds or staff support to help fight for or against proposed local ordinances, 投票措施, 或者其他问题.

没有什么问题是微不足道的. We want to help you tackle small problems before they get big. Local associations have received support as small as $250 for one newspaper ad.

永远不嫌早. Tell us as soon as you see an issue looming. The sooner we’re able to get involved, the more likely we can make a difference.

Note that 问题 Mobilization will not fund or support a campaign that puts one local association at an advantage over another. Also, the committee doesn’t typically approve grants that only pay money to another entity or PAC.

If you know of a local issue that may warrant REALTOR® engagement, contact your association executive and your 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® field representative to determine if the issue is appropriate for 问题 Mobilization assistance. Any Texas REALTOR® can identify a local issue; however, all 问题 Mobilization applications must originate from a local association of REALTORS®, and the local association president must sign the application. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® staff can help you complete the application and/or develop a campaign plan.

Representatives from your local association may be asked to present your application and plan to the 问题 Mobilization Committee for consideration. 委员会行动迅速, so your presentation could be scheduled for a conference call within a few days after the application is submitted. 如果你的申请被批准, assistance may come in the form of political expertise, 战略指导, 市场营销, 或资金. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® staff will work with you throughout the campaign.

Find the application and more details at